Tuesday, November 01, 2005

This is me

Well, for those of you that don't know... I'm technically challenged. *tear* Yes, yes it's true. Okay, so I couldn't figure out how to upload a pic for my main page, but I DID figure this out. (yay me!) For those of you who continue to blog with me - Dan and Cami - kudos to you. For all others.... psshhh, don't make me go there! Hugs


cami said...

I can't figure out the picture thingy either.

Dan can, though.

We suck.

Jen said...

Hi! I am making a comment since you are guilting me into this! HA Just joking. Hey I am back to work again, I think I work for your rival??? I am at Starbucks HDQ in Seattle, working with computers, being a nerd!

Lynnae said...

Hey Jen! Great to see you on here, but where is your page - I can't seem to find it. I know I'm not THAT tech-dumb. Congrats on STB, can you get me a job??