Thursday, February 05, 2009

Oooooh! Spray paint!

I've always been an avid recycler. It's in my blood. Or, it kinda is. I've inherited the pack-rat gene and can't stand to see things thrown away. I recycle for the environment too. I'm adamant at the house and now Cole has grown up knowing what recycles and what doesn't. Yay!

I've also always been a thrift store shopper. I used to HATE going with my mom in jr. high (the smell was soooo awful). And God-forbid, growing up in the name brand 80's, you wore anything to school without a label. (Do you remember when Value Village actually had a "Labels" section?? Crazy.)

So yeah, LOVE recycling, LOVE thrift stores.

And my newest favorite LOVE? Spray Paint!!

Surprisingly, I had never used it before..... well, not exactly true. I used clear gloss spray paint for the Christmas village I painted for my mom.... and then a few years ago I got a grapevine wreath, sprayed it silver and added silver-blue glitter for a Christmas wreath. Turned out pretty nice, if I do say so myself :)

With a little influence & inspiration from Candice & Shannon, I decided to hunt out my first projects. (insert evil laugh here)

My first project was a simple picture frame. I liked the style of the frame and got it half off at Goodwill - .49 cents baby!! (why I don't have a picture, I don't know......)

Then I stumbled upon the following. I was originally going to paint the scroll work black, but then I thought..... maybe an antique-tone to it. I dry-rubbed some stain and it was done. Not too impressed, and might still paint it black, but it'll do for now.

This was my BEST find - it didn't have a tag, so she rang it up for 59 cents! I know it's not much, it's got that ugly, 70's brown look to it. But I figured, in BLACK it would be fantastic!!!

And it is! Now I have a cute chunky wood candle holder that will go with our decor. Bam!

1 comment:

Jackie Wood said...

Great projects, love that they cost so little and look so amazing!! Glad your having fun with your "free time".
