Sawyer Charles
born: July 22 at 4:40 am
7 pounds 20-1/2 inches
He's here!! I'm an auntie!! And he's healthy :)
I won't go into details about how he was concieved, it's not my place to tell (plus I didn't *ask* first). But I'm positive my sister would graciously enlighten you about the miracle that took place.
The handsome Sawyer arrived early, but with a very lenghthy entrnace. Born to my sister Kathy and her girlfriend Emily, he certainly took his time.
My sister was in labor for 4 days of active labor, dialating and then retreating, she was severely frustrated. It was almost a C-section, but her doula convinced everyone otherwise.
I talked to her on the phone, still in the hospital recovering, on Tuesday. She really sounded in great spirits and I could hear little Sawyer in the background crying. "Did you have a baby pig??", I asked her jokingly. (His little baby cries sounded like baby pig sqeals!) "No, but he is a sqealer, isn't he?", she said, laughing.
We compared war wounds and similarities, but his birth was much more intense than Cole's was. I can't even imagine - I thought I had it bad with 22 hours of active labor, but 4 days?!?
They're all home now and were even able to forward some photos. He's darling, isn't he?? I mean, really, he's my nephew and all, but he's just precious! I can't wait to meet him in person. Minnesota is too far away.......
~Congratulations to Kathy & Emily~
Welcome baby Sawyer
BIG Love to you all