Thursday, December 13, 2007

December Photos

Nothing major here in our world. Getting ready for Christmas, work, school and homework.

Cole and I had our parent/teacher conference the other day and it was a mix of emotions.
For the record, I *heart* his teacher, Mrs. Chester, BIG time! She's very 'old-school', a teachers-teacher, like the kind of teachers I had growing up. As she told me at his last conference (and I hope I don't get her in trouble for this) "Sometimes..... I like to just shut the door and teach."
So when she talks, I'm all ears.

"First off, Cole is a GREAT kid. He's very polite, friendly, courteous and well-mannered. He always says his pleases and thank you's and tends to correct other kids when they don't. He's just a nice boy." she says, Mama beaming proudly :)

She goes on to say that he's having trouble with his reading and writing. Not severe, but he's in the lower end. For those of you that know me well, you know that this is a tough one for me to admit. I mean, who wants to admit failure, of any sort, as a parent?

Some factors to consider: he's a boy (yes, it does play a role), he's about the youngest in his class (summer birthday) and he was only in 1/2 day kindergarten. She says they all attribute to this but that's not the only reasons. Needless to say, if things don't improve in January, that's when they become 'concerned'. For now, it's no-biggie.

(insert SIGH here)

Another Plus: He's in the 99.9 percentile for math! She said he's her little math whiz :)

W O O - H O O !!!!!

After having my little 'down' moment at home, Shawn (aka: miracle-worker, savior, etc) put my mind at ease like only he can do and broke it down like this:

"It's FIRST Grade. He'll eventually learn to read, he'll learn to write. Shoot, they can teach adults to read. What's most impressive is what she said about his character. That he's a good kid. That he's polite and listens. You can't teach that."


Cole practicing his writing


Jackie Wood said...

First, you are right it is hard to share these things with other parents, too much judging in the world. So thank you for having the courage.

Second, Shawn is a VERY smart man. Having manners, being nice, and playing well with others are the most important "skills" that Cole can have. He will learn the rest, it just might take him longer in some areas.

I know that they really want the kids reading well in first grade, but it took until the end of 2nd grade before Rachel really got it down. She just wasn't interested before that. I was concerned and tried hard to help, wrong thing to do. Once I backed off she picked it up on her own when she was ready.

One thing we started and still do is to write letters for practice. Rachel writes to several people, but Cami's girls are her favorite pen pals.

I know it is hard to see your child struggle,
Big Hugs!

cami said...

Aw, Bug! I ditto all of Jackie's sage advice. Also, statistically, by 4th grade it will matter not ONE bit if a kid learned to readat 3, or 8. They are pretty much all at the same level by 4th grade, regardless.

And, if we didn't home school, Rowan would probably be a kindergartner this year- no way would I have sent her last year. She just would NOT have been ready, emotionally or socially. Those summer birthdays DO make a big difference.

Cole has the most important thing necessary for a kid to learn how to read: an involved, WONDERFUL momma!

Stay dry up there, and Merry Christmas,

Lynnae said...

Thank you SO MUCH ladies!! Your support and knowledge is always soothing *and* helpful.

I know he'll be fine, it's just hard to hear at first.