Wednesday, September 05, 2007

First Day of School !!


How & when did I get a 6 YEAR OLD in First Grade??

All of the preparation and shopping is done and Cole is off to school again. This time all day. He was super excited and luckily I got him to sleep at a decent time and he was zonked out shortly after. Getting him up in the morning is usually a different story, but today it was a breeze! You remember that feeling - waking up, practically jumping out of bed and even putting your clothes on without being asked. Yep, that was Cole. I know it may not last long, but I love to see him so excited for school!

I took him to school and as we walked into the playground, he spotted his friend Brandon instantly. They ran around like banshees for awhile until I finally got them to hold still for a photo. And seriously this was not planned, no joint shopping trips together, but they had the same backpack! Of course they did, they're like two peas in a pod.

Cole must have asked me a dozen times about what line he would be in. "How am I gonna know what line I'm in, Mama?" "We're going to have to find the principal to find out what line I'm in" "Where is my line going to be?" Etc., etc., etc.

The school, of course, is always one step ahead of everything and had the teachers names clearly listed on signs in the grass.
Phew! Meltdown averted.

Here's the 'army' guy in his line~

(Six, yes SIX already...... ugh)

1 comment:

Jackie Wood said...

First day of school...I do remember how exciting they were. This is a great post capturing the "thrill" of a new year. We wish Cole all the best in FIRST GRADE!!!!